Windows下JAVA和ANT和SDK環境變數設置 - 塞外遊俠的專欄 - 博客頻道 - CSDN.NET 設置方法: CLASSPATH = ./;%JAVA_HOME%/lib/tools.jar ANT環境變數設置 Windows下ANT用到的環境變數主要有2個,ANT_HOME 、PATH ...
android-sdk_r04-windows Java Develop 182萬源代碼下載- android-sdk-windows .....\platforms .....\SDK Readme.txt .....\SDK Setup.exe .....\tools .....\.....\draw9patch.bat ... \...\emma_ant.jar .....\.....\...\sdkuilib.jar .....\.....\...\jcommon-1.0.12.j
Can't find ant in the Android SDK - Stack Overflow 2010年4月5日 - Ant isn't included with the Android SDK. I suggest you get it from the official site.
Cannot properly install ant using phonegap, windows 7 and ... 2014年7月16日 - download from here: unzip the ant zip into the folder C:\Development . this will ...
"ant" is not recognized as command in Windows - Super User 2012年6月17日 - c:\Users\admin\Android-sdks\platform-tools. Then I entered this into the Windows 7 command line interface: ant debug. I have this error ...
Installing Cordova and the Android SDK on Windows 7 and 8 Apache Ant is needed by Android and Cordova for building projects. Download and ... We need to tell Windows where our Android SDK lives. Open up your ...
Using Ant to Automate Building Android Applications 2010年6月22日 - On Windows, you can use something like set path=%PATH%;C:\dev\android-sdk-windows\tools (substituting your actual Android installation ...
How to use Android SDK on Windows with cygwin - Gists 2011年1月26日 - [doc][android] How to use Android SDK on Windows with cygwin - Gist is a simple way to share snippets of text and ... Extract apache-ant zip ...
在Window下,利用命令列從無到有建立android專案 - 狼翔天地 2010年1月5日 - 安裝android-sdk ... ANT是Apache Foundation以JAVA開發出來的程式開發工具。
Install Cordova on Windows - Evothings To develop Android apps, you need to install the Android SDK, and also Java if not already installed on your machine. Furthermore the build tool Ant is required.